От Вислы до Немана. С древнейших времён до наших дней
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Banks A.

A Military Atlas of the First World War

Leo Cooper, 2001. - XII, 338 p.

ISBN: 0-85052-791-0

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Domanski J., Wilczek W.

Tannenberg 1914

Militaria. 238

Warszawa, 2005. - 98 s.

ISBN: 83-7219-238-3, 9788372192387

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Willems B.

Violence in Defeat: The Wehrmacht on German Soil, 1944-1945

Cambridge Military Histories

Cambridge: University Press, 2021. - 366 p.

ISBN: 978-1-108-47972-1

Подготовка к публикации

Buttar P.

Collision of Empires: The War on the Eastern Front in 1914

Oxford; New York: Osprey Publishing, 2014.

ISBN: 978-1-78200-648-0, 978-1-78200-972-6, 978-1-78200-971-9

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Zayas A.-M.

A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 1944-1950

New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994. - xlii, 179 p.

ISBN: 0-312-12159-8

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Showalter D. E.

Tannenberg. Clash of Empires

Archon Books, 1991.

Showalter D. E.

Tannenberg: Clash of Empires, 1914

Washington, D. C.: Potomac Books, 2004.

ISBN: 978-1-57488-781-5

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Eggenberger D.

An Encyclopedia of Battles: Accounts of over 1,560 Battles from 1479 B.C. to the Present

New York: Dover Publications, 1985. - viii, 533 p.

ISBN: 0-486-24913-1, 9780486249131

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Forczyk R.

German Infantryman versus Russian Infantryman: 1914-15

Osprey Publishing, 2015. - 80 p.

ISBN: 978-1-4728-0654-3, 978-1-4728-0655-0, 978-1-4728-0656-7

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Krysov V.

Panzer Destroyer: Memoirs of a Red Army Tank Commander

Pen & Sword Military, 2010.

ISBN: 9781844159512, 9781848847101

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Slaughterhouse: The Handbook of the Eastern Front

Bedford, PA: The Aberjona Press, 2005. - 512 p.

ISBN: 0-9717650-9-X

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World War I: The Definitive Encyclopedia and Document Collection: [5 volumes]

ABC-CLIO, 2014.

2-е издание

ISBN: 978-1-85109-964-1, 978-1-85109-965-8

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